Security Guards Are Often Taken Advantage of By Their Employers. Some of the ways companies may violate Massachusetts law are:…
Cultural Care and other au pair agencies may have misclassified its employees as independent contractors. Local childcare consultants (LCCs) or…
El 27 de julio de 2019, Gardner & Rosenberg, P.C. presentó una demanda colectiva titulada MAIN y D’AMELIO v. SWEETHEARTS…
A Federal Court just announced that Massachusetts Au Pairs may be entitled to full payment of Massachusetts wages above the…
Live-in health aides and elderly companions are often unpaid (improperly) for long hours and overnight stays. Here are a few key…
Many amusement parks, golf courses, and resorts in Massachusetts employ “seasonal workers” during the summertime. If your employer does qualify…
Restaurants often deny waitstaff and servers the full tips to which they are entitled. The Massachusetts rules governing tip pooling…
Nearly all internships must be paid. An employer cannot get around paying its workers minimum wage by calling the job…
Delivery drivers are often deprived substantial wages and compensation owed. Among other things, delivery drivers are often misclassified as independent contractors…
Adult Entertainers are often the victims of wage theft, particularly where clubs require tipping out of DJs, bouncers or other…